Monday, March 29, 2010

Sign up soon!

I am really excited about all of the people who have contacted me in my first week as an OpLove Photographer. Some of the upcoming shoots will be OpLove shoots and others will simply be homecomings (Yay! I love homecomings!). Don't hesitate to contact me regardless of what your needs are. Homecoming shoots are also free and I give you a CD with the images on it to do what ever you want with them. Since I do offer professional prints for all of my clients homecoming shoots also get an online gallery with 25% off all prints ordered through me.

Keep in mind that regular prints aren't your only option. You can also get beautiful gallery wraps in a variety of styles or, something new I'm offering, gorgeous tin prints! Contact me and we can set up a date for you to see samples of what I offer.

Stay tuned for some great homecoming shots coming soon!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Recently I joined up with a great program called Operation Love Reunited. It is a program where photographers donate their time and skills to take fantastic portraits of families who have a family member in the military and deployed. The photos are a really important way to keep the families feeling connected during difficult times and it's a great way for me to say thank you to the military for everything they do.

If you are in the San Diego area and have a spouse or loved one deployed contact me for more information about this great program or you can go check out the details at

Check out more photos of mine at